Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Le Scale d'Amalfi - The Stairs of Amalfi

I heard about this hostel from the guys at 6 small rooms in Napoli (see last posts) and it sounded pretty promising so I decided to stay for a few nights. I spent one night in Ischia (which I loved but more later) and then caught the ferry to Napoli, bus to Salerno and another to Amalfi. Luckily I met a local who works in the art gallery in Ravello (nearby) and she was catching the same bus so I chatted to her for the whole hour and a half trip... it was pretty amazing road, it's very very narrow, very very windy and it's right along the edge of the coast. At one point, the bus had to reverse back up the road because there just isn't enough room for cars to pass each other at the corners.
Eventually we got to Amalfi, caught ANOTHER bus to the hostel and then the fun bit. Walking up 296 stairs with my backpack. Luckily, I'm a fairly sensible woman and only packed what I actually need (as opposed to what I may want) so I made it ok(ish). Another girl staying here had a pack that weighed 23kg plus another backpack weighing 8kg. Crazy.

Today we went to the beach - an extra 746 stairs. So that's (ooh, pressure for the maths girl) 1042 stairs one way. Which we had to climb back up again. I think the words 'a lot of stairs' don't really give justice to it. Ooof.

Ischia was gorgeous - full of germans, all the signage was in german. But at night I went to a restaraunt overlooking the ocean, ate magharita pizza while the sun set and had a grande birra (a pint). Then, to top it off, the hotel just to the left of us and a little below had a fireworks display that lasted for about 6 minutes. Sitting there, drinking my beer, watching a ocean sunset and then fireworks... pretty damn good.

They also have a garden on Ischia belonging to the composer William Wallace which was stunning. It even had banksias. They also have a Victorian lilly, which opens in the morning as a female to catch bugs and then shuts its petals and reopens the next day as a male. Pretty damn cool as well. The only bad thing about it was that it must have been the mating season for the frogs because every single pond had frogs madly going at it. It was bordering on pornographic.

So now I'm off to Ravello tommorrow to meet the local girl for lunch and help her with her English. Then I head up to Florence, which from all accounts is like a giant gallery and pretty impressive, so I'm looking forward to it.

Hope you're all happy and healthy.


The First Vienna Circle said...

Umm, if Pete checks these comments... they had a guy playing William Wallace's stuff and there was one song that was gorgeous... I videoed him so will email at some point and see if you know it or can chase it up for me...

Anonymous said...

Hey nettles!

We jus got back from Thailand and Japan which was pretty awesome - sounds like you've been having a great time, now I plan to stalk you like an eagle! :o)

Anonymous said...

Travelling girl. Stairs are good for the butt. you seem to be having a good time seeing places that some people can only dream about.

Anonymous said...

Hey there nettles!!

Sounds like your having a fantastic time! So jealous! Did you take a photo of all the stairs? That sounds like a serious workout. I need more photo's, since i can't be there myself i'm relying on you for the full tour ;o)

Anonymous said...

he he he... I'm such a bazza ;o)
Last post was me!

Jeff said...
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Jeff said...

One of my favourite overheard in New York:

Hipster chick to friend: Whoa. I just felt totally suffocated by capitalist society.

hahahaha not relevant to your blog.

Sounds like you're having a corker of a time. Only wish I was over there and every line I read fuels the fires of my envy. This maths squad gig is starting to seem a little dull...

Anonymous said...

net, do you still have maths2? We're having trouble finding it.

The First Vienna Circle said...

Firstly, it was William Walton (not William Wallace, a Scottish rebel leader).

Secondly no, I do not know where maths2 is... and since it was broken anyway and CDMA is being phased out, maybe this is a sign to move on like I have :o)

Will write a proper post in a little bit - right now, I have to wander around Florence and stand in queues for hours on end. Woo Hoo.