Thursday, May 10, 2007


Finally made it to Florence - I left the hostel at 10:15 and got to Florence at roughly 7pm without much waiting around so it was definately a travel day. Spent the whole time on the train eating chips, biscuts, other stuff... and missing my iriver who is sadly out of battery and guess who forgot the charger while packing hungover in the UK??? (Give you a clue, Taryn was there :oP)

Not much to write really as a result...

Oh wait - I met this girl called Rosalba on the bus to Amalfi so on Tuesday night I went to Ravello and met her. She ended up having to work late so she invited me around for dinner which was really nice of her. Talked a bit about Italian politics, made fun of George Bush, and then I wandered back to the bus station to find that all the buses had stopped for the night. So I ended up paying 25 euro to get a taxi to Amalfi! D'oh.

Yeah, am off to stand in queues for hours on end. And, like me, perhaps it's time to let maths2 go. Good luck with the next tour all you travelling showpeople.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I wonder what the comment was that the author deleted in the last post? Makes it more intriguing. Probably just a publicity stunt.

And after I'd spend hours on slow nth qld dialup tracking down the compositions of william wallace.... hope you feel bad!

What's the weather been like over there - what are the temperatures. Nice and steamy here in Rockhampton - though it's been pretty good until this afternoon. I feel a storm brewing. Have a good weekendend!