Well, it took two and a half hours longer than it's suppose to but I finally made it to Napoli (or Naples as we backwards foreigners renamed it). There was a free concert in Rome yesterday and on top of people trying to get home, the particular track we were on had problems so we were delayed.. by two and half hours! And they wouldn't open the doors at one point, people were starting to panic. Not a nice experience.
And then Napoli hits you. Again, not a nice experience but maybe it will look better in the morning... maybe...
My grumpyness probably has something to do with the fact I've been up since 5am to line up for the Vatican. It opens at 8:45. So the majority of the day has been spent waiting for stuff. No wonder I'm a bit blah at the moment.

Anyway, the Vatican Museum was great but the best bit is definately the Sistine Chapel... you spend a few minutes in there and eventually it starts to overwhelm you with the colour, detail, vibrance... they restored it a while ago. Unfortunately, no photos allowed so this is of the reading room to give you an idea
(oh, and I've finally managed to add photos to my previous posts if you have a look :o)
That looks absolutely amazing - but nothing compared to my new kitchen! Hope napoli gets a bit better, I went to Natalia's farewell the other night. She and Mark be on her way over to london in about 3 weeks and said they'd be keen to catch up when you're back in England.
I'm enjoying your posts keeo it up
Tonight I'll try and put up some photos of Napoli and Pompeii... probably of me standing in the rain next to a wall.
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