Am going to put up a photo in the next day or so. Of a building. A hostel to be more precise. Which, if you value you're sanity, you should not stay at unless you plan on being so drunk that you can pass out and ignore the constant sound of groaning, humming, throbbing plumbing (and no, that's not a euphimism).
Of course, I am staying in room 101 so I should be surprised by the torture that I experienced last night.

On a better note, I visited Buckingham Palace and Westminister Abby today which was fantastic. Had a really good tour guide who told us loads of bits and pieces - we walked past Sting's house (should have taken a picture for Georgia! Sorry, just realised) and it was cool to see where Issac Newton, Elizabeth I, Lord Kelvin, Tennyson ect where all buried. I seem to be visiting a lot of graves and enjoying it...
Of course, I am staying in room 101 so I should be surprised by the torture that I experienced last night.
I'm tossing up whether to go on a Jack the Ripper tour tonight or whether I should go to the theatre, although I don't have many pounds left... bloody London.