Monday, April 30, 2007

On the Rome again

NB - I wrote a post yesterday but for some reason it wouldn't post, hence the double posting today.

The sun has finally come out here, it was raining all morning so I bought an English newspaper and ate pizza. I've managed to muddle my way through things - most people speak enough english to understand me and I know enough Italian to know when the retailer shouts 'Due Due' at me he wants €2.20 which is helpful. And I can ask how much things are, which isn't as useful.

I'm not feeling great at the moment, I've got a head cold which makes wandering around the museums ect. pretty tiring. I was in bed by 8:30 last night and am still tired today. But will go drink more coffee and be shouted at a few more times and I'll be fine.

Well, now that it's nice weather again I guess I'll continue strolling along to the Trevi Fountain since the Shelly-Keats museum near the Spanish steps is shut. Hope everyone is well back home, I'm starting to miss your voices.

1 comment:

舉杯醉,對月吟. said...
