Sunday, September 03, 2006

Katherine Kalamities

He He (apologies for the title, i think it's hangover from the last party invite I got... the people involved know what I'm talking about)

Well, finally made it to Katherine. And it wasn't a sure thing...

We left Darwin with two spare tires. Last Thursday, we literally ripped the insides out of out back tyre. Luckily, I was only doing 10km/h at the time so there was no huge problem except for the bloody flies. And the fact we couldn't find the jack handle. And my girly arms are incapable of unscrewing a bolt as thick as my finger. But we managed to fix it and get to Pigeon Hole school, which was good.
The school itself was nice and quiet, the teachers decided to have a slack day and we were left to basically run the school for 4 hours. Interesting... then we packed up, headed back down the road (this time avoiding the road we'd blown our tyre on) and made it onto the Buntine Highway. Where we punctured our front tyre. Thank god I'd booked two spare tires (the other team only has one so they would have been royally screwed at this point because there is no reception in this area).
And besides, it was the friday after the royalties from the local gold mine had been paid so all the residents of Lajamanu were heading towards the 'local pub' at Top Springs (actually about 300km away) for a big night. We stopped there for lunch and got recognised ;o) so now we are celebrities in the remote communities.

Had a nice relaxing weekend in Katherine. Staying in this great townhouse/villa BnB place, if anyone ever comes would highly reccommend it.

Could write more but feel bit bad using work modem for this. I updated/fixed the last post so will try again soon.


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