Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Free at last, free at last...

Well, am finally back in ACT. Suffering post-tour-itis (basically jet lag, but rather than depending on time zones it depends on time away)

Am currently trying to avoid actual work by reading the BCS website. Yes, that's right. That's how desperate I've become. But it's become strangely addictive, a salve to my restlessness...

So rather than keep looking over my shoulder and getting yelled at for reading that, I'd much rather be looking over my shoulder and getting yelled at for blogging.

Am off to the DEST trivia night tonight. Apparently there is a prize for fancy dress. We found this out about half an hour ago.

I suggested robots because it's written on a box under my desk. Damn.


Anonymous said...

new template nettles!

luvverly =o)

you goin to the races?

The First Vienna Circle said...

Yes'm. Was bit worried I wouldn't b here but hooray hoorah I will be ;o)

Yeah, just trying to work out how to get links...

So where is ur blog?

Anonymous said...

get links?

The First Vienna Circle said...

No :o(

Anonymous said...

nono - i mean what do you mean you're trying to get links?
